
As a young artist, I found inspiration in the enchanting island of Hydra. Among the Greek islands, Hydra held a special place in my heart, particularly during my formative years as an artist. It was during the 1960s, a decade of creativity and self-discovery, that I forged a deep connection with this picturesque island.

Hydra’s unique blend of natural beauty, culture, and tranquility became a wellspring of inspiration for my artistic journey. The island’s timeless allure, characterized by its rugged landscapes, pristine waters, and charming architecture, found its way into my art in profound ways.

I am pleased to share with you a collection of Hydra Prints, open editions of my artwork from that transformative period in the 1960s. These prints are a testament to the enduring influence that Hydra had on my artistic expression. Each piece reflects the essence and spirit of the island, encapsulating the emotions and experiences that shaped my early work.

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    Island Hydra Prints
    Island Hydra Prints Clock Tower

    Island Hydra Prints Red Phishing Boat
    Island Hydra Prints Red Phishing Boat

    Hydra Prints Domina's Gallery
    Island Hydra Prints Domina’s Gallery

    Through these prints, I invite you to explore the visual narratives that emerged from my encounters with Hydra’s beauty and serenity. They are a glimpse into the artistic evolution that unfolded during those years.

    Hydra remains a cherished muse, and these prints serve as a timeless tribute to the island’s lasting impact on my artistry. I hope you find as much joy in experiencing these pieces as I did in creating them.

    Island Hydra Prints
    Island Hydra Prints Clock Tower 2004

    Island Hydra Prints Art School
    Island Hydra Prints Art School 2004

    Hydra Prints Center 2004
    Hydra Prints Center 2004

    Island Hydra Prints Sailboat
    Island Hydra Prints Sailboat 2004

    Island Hydra Prints Sailboats 2004
    Island Hydra Prints Sailboats 2004

    Island Hydra Prints Red Boat 2004
    Island Hydra Prints Red Boat 2004


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